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Well, not much to say, just text and a minimal amount of animation. I hate people relating kh to naruto, tho. I think they're nothing alike, nor do I ever remember riku having an emo moment in kingdom hearts. Besides that, not much to say. Not bad, but there's a lot of room for improvement.

Next time, try adding in some kind of background, maybe some more shading as well. Also, when using the pencil tool, set it to "smooth" otherwise your drawings will turn out all triangular and pointy like they did here. It's not completely terrible, just not much to keep one interested. And doing anims about anime/videogame char. is a lil overdone imo.


It's a shame how much damage we do to the forests each year. I can see you put a lot of effort into this, and it shows. And unlike many submissions on this site, this one has a message. Good job, and keep it up. :)

Jestercap13 responds:

hey thanx yeah the forest we cant froget them i live in an urban envoriment but even then when i go to a forest i can feel its life and its aura and thanx i will keep it up i just need an idea lol


As one other reviewer described it: the perfect blend of action and humor! Some of the jokes really took me by surprise. Which is good. Because if it's obvious, it isn't as funny, you know? Anyway, good job on this. I really enjoyed it.


Well, some parts had good art, but mostly it wasn't good. You used two diff styles. When they were animated, it was crappy. When they were still, you did more detailed artwork. I would have looked past that if it were a regular episode and the story was good, but all it was was 5 min. of random fights with annoying j-pop in the background. I closed it before it finished because i waited too long and nothing happened.

If this is supposed to be a series, then next time use storyline, and if that was just the theme song i was sitting through before i closed it, sorry, but you shouldn't make the song so long if you want folks to watch the episode.

If not, nevermind.

Anyway, it was alright, nothing special. 6/10

Not bad...

I see you're talking the legend of Dante's inferno(what with the guide vergil and all) anyway, it was alright. The art was pretty good(except at certain parts, like when he blinks his eyes), but there wasn't much entertaining story wise. What I mean is, the art is superb, but it's not that funny, not that action packed, there's not much there to really keep one entertained besides the art.


merry ghostmas

That was funny as hell. Good job man! Viva La Blockhead!

Pretty good

Greatly improved since the past episodes. Better graphics, longer, even better stories and ideas, and still pretty funny. Good job on this. "do you want some medicine?" lol.


Best parody of a game I've seen so far. Usually, most of them suck. Pretty funny. "okay... i'm going to give you a moment here, because you're getting violent." who honestly waits to get killed? That was pretty damn clever.

Good job on this. 10/10


The cat sounded like meowth from pokemon(granted i'm not a pokemon fan, but that was some fine voice acting). It was funny, but not haha funny. There was a couple parts where I smiled, but I never laugh. That's not a bad thing tho. I think it was pretty well made. You should make more of this. Maybe next time have like a battle or something, or have them go on some wacky adventure.

Anyway, superbly done. Especially on the art side. That's possibley some of the best artwork I've seen in a flash.(seconded to the angel:teaser and takamori legends) Animation was also flawless.

The master looked kind of like the nobody's off of kingdom hearts(just a little)so that's cool. Keep up the good work.

Need a voice actor? I'm your man!

cunk alicious @OPIUMSKUM

Age 33, Male

Sacramento, CA

Joined on 12/20/05

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