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Very colorful, and such deep meaning, like the music is bringing color and imagination into his life where everything is normally bland and depressing. I think you did a wonderful job on this, it's a very beautiful piece, keep up the good work.


You can tell it apart from teen titans version.... kinda... >_>.... jesus that's uncanny!


Except some of those looked like they were made in flash.... with a tablet... I guess that still counts, though... I think you should definately choose this as your style for all your animations and then just color them in some program like photoshop or something. They look excellent. Good work on the sound, too.


Only one problem, I love dot hack, but that ending pissed me off when I first saw itr, cause I was like,"that's it? That answered absolutely nothing!" so I was a little pissed at the original ending cause it just
leaves you hanging, and all. But this was nice, graphica could've been
better, but it was not bad, not bad at all.

Yay! sequal better!

Rated the first one. the sound wasn't good on the voices, too loud and scractchy to some extent, but the music fit exceptionally well, so i gave
sound better rating.

Seems like you've finally figured out how to use radiants effectively! Good job! This one is exceptionally better than the first, keep it up!

Not bad...

The things you can do with a simple square... :D
But, i did not like the backgrounds being all radiants,
I prefer blood, backgrounds and all that to be hand drawn
and regular looking, only lights and reflective objects to
be radiants, in fact, ony a few times have i ever seen
radiants used effectively. Still, you did a good job.


One, not much animation going on. 2. sprites. 3. pics and sounds from tv shows played in certain ays to make it SEEM like there's something going on, but it was pure randomness.

Also, the guy below me is kind of dumb, NG is for ages 13 and up,
the movie only says the "F" word once in it, therefore it's still pg13
because pg13 movies are allowed to have the "F" word once in it

This, from what i've seen before i closed it from hating it so much,
only says the "F" word once.

Bob02 responds:

Im surprised this movie still exists.
And your right it is just randomness.
This was the secound Flash movie I ever made (the first was Seven, DuH HUh) So yeah the movie kind of sucks donkey balls but I still like it.

Need a voice actor? I'm your man!

cunk alicious @OPIUMSKUM

Age 33, Male

Sacramento, CA

Joined on 12/20/05

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